Advanced Autopilot Features

This document covers advanced features in autopilot.

Cleaning Up

It is vitally important that every test you run leaves the system in exactly the same state as it found it. This means that:

  • Any files written to disk need to be removed.
  • Any environment variables set during the test run need to be un-set.
  • Any applications opened during the test run need to be closed again.
  • Any Keyboard keys pressed during the test need to be released again.

All of the methods on AutopilotTestCase that alter the system state will automatically revert those changes at the end of the test. Similarly, the various input devices will release any buttons or keys that were pressed during the test. However, for all other changes, it is the responsibility of the test author to clean up those changes.

For example, a test might require that a file with certain content be written to disk at the start of the test. The test case might look something like this:

class MyTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def make_data_file(self):
        open('/tmp/datafile', 'w').write("Some data...")

    def test_application_opens_data_file(self):
        """Our application must be able to open a data file from disk."""
        # rest of the test code goes here

However this will leave the /tmp/datafile on disk after the test has finished. To combat this, use the addCleanup method. The arguments to addCleanup are a callable, and then zero or more positional or keyword arguments. The Callable will be called with the positional and keyword arguments after the test has ended.

Cleanup actions are called in the reverse order in which they are added, and are called regardless of whether the test passed, failed, or raised an uncaught exception. To fix the above test, we might write something similar to:

import os

class MyTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def make_data_file(self):
        open('/tmp/datafile', 'w').write("Some data...")
        self.addCleanup(os.remove, '/tmp/datafile')

    def test_application_opens_data_file(self):
        """Our application must be able to open a data file from disk."""
        # rest of the test code goes here

Note that by having the code to generate the /tmp/datafile file on disk in a separate method, the test itself can ignore the fact that these resources need to be cleaned up. This makes the tests cleaner and easier to read.

Test Scenarios

Occasionally test authors will find themselves writing multiple tests that differ in one or two subtle ways. For example, imagine a hypothetical test case that tests a dictionary application. The author wants to test that certain words return no results. Without using test scenarios, there are two basic approaches to this problem. The first is to create many test cases, one for each specific scenario (don’t do this):

class DictionaryResultsTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_empty_string_returns_no_results(self):
        self.assertThat(len(self.dictionary_app.results), Equals(0))

    def test_whitespace_string_returns_no_results(self):
        self.dictionary_app.enter_search_term(" \t ")
        self.assertThat(len(self.dictionary_app.results), Equals(0))

    def test_punctuation_string_returns_no_results(self):
        self.assertThat(len(self.dictionary_app.results), Equals(0))

    def test_garbage_string_returns_no_results(self):
        self.assertThat(len(self.dictionary_app.results), Equals(0))

The main problem here is that there’s a lot of typing in order to change exactly one thing (and this hypothetical test is deliberately short, to ease clarity. Imagine a 100 line test case!). Another approach is to make the entire thing one large test (don’t do this either):

class DictionaryResultsTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_bad_strings_returns_no_results(self):
        bad_strings = ("",
            " \t ",
        for input in bad_strings:
            self.assertThat(len(self.dictionary_app.results), Equals(0))

This approach makes it easier to add new input strings, but what happens when just one of the input strings stops working? It becomes very hard to find out which input string is broken, and the first string that breaks will prevent the rest of the test from running, since tests stop running when the first assertion fails.

The solution is to use test scenarios. A scenario is a class attribute that specifies one or more scenarios to run on each of the tests. This is best demonstrated with an example:

class DictionaryResultsTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    scenarios = [
        ('empty string', {'input': ""}),
        ('whitespace', {'input': " \t "}),
        ('punctuation', {'input': ".-?<>{}[]"}),
        ('garbage', {'input': "ljdzgfhdsgjfhdgjh"}),

    def test_bad_strings_return_no_results(self):
        self.assertThat(len(self.dictionary_app.results), Equals(0))

Autopilot will run the test_bad_strings_return_no_results once for each scenario. On each test, the values from the scenario dictionary will be mapped to attributes of the test case class. In this example, that means that the ‘input’ dictionary item will be mapped to self.input. Using scenarios has several benefits over either of the other strategies outlined above:

  • Tests that use strategies will appear as separate tests in the test output. The test id will be the normal test id, followed by the strategy name in parenthesis. So in the example above, the list of test ids will be:

    DictionaryResultsTests.test_bad_strings_return_no_results(empty string)
  • Since scenarios are treated as separate tests, it’s easier to debug which scenario has broken, and re-run just that one scenario.

  • Scenarios get applied before the setUp method, which means you can use scenario values in the setUp and tearDown methods. This makes them more flexible than either of the approaches listed above.

Test Logging

Autopilot integrates the python logging framework into the AutopilotTestCase class. Various autopilot components write log messages to the logging framework, and all these log messages are attached to each test result when the test completes. By default, these log messages are shown when a test fails, or if autopilot is run with the -v option.

Test authors are encouraged to write to the python logging framework whenever doing so would make failing tests clearer. To do this, there are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Import the logging module:

    import logging
  2. Create a logger object. You can either do this at the file level scope, or within a test case class:

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  3. Log some messages. You may choose which level the messages should be logged at. For example:

    logger.debug("This is debug information, not shown by default.")"This is some information")
    logger.warning("This is a warning")
    logger.error("This is an error")


To view log messages when using debug level of logging pass -vv when running autopilot.

For more information on the various logging levels, see the python documentation on Logger objects. All messages logged in this way will be picked up by the autopilot test runner. This is a valuable tool when debugging failing tests.

Environment Patching

Sometimes you need to change the value of an environment variable for the duration of a single test. It is important that the variable is changed back to it’s original value when the test has ended, so future tests are run in a pristine environment. The fixtures module includes a fixtures.EnvironmentVariable fixture which takes care of this for you. For example, to set the FOO environment variable to "Hello World" for the duration of a single test, the code would look something like this:

from fixtures import EnvironmentVariable
from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase

class MyTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_that_needs_custom_environment(self):
        self.useFixture(EnvironmentVariable("FOO", "Hello World"))
        # Test code goes here.

The fixtures.EnvironmentVariable fixture will revert the value of the environment variable to it’s initial value, or will delete it altogether if the environment variable did not exist when fixtures.EnvironmentVariable was instantiated. This happens in the cleanup phase of the test execution.

Custom Assertions

Autopilot provides additional custom assertion methods within the AutopilotTestCase base class. These assertion methods can be used for validating the visible window stack and also properties on objects whose attributes do not have the wait_for method, such as Window objects (See In Proxy Classes for more information about wait_for).


This assertion allows the test to check the start of the visible window stack by passing an iterable item of Window instances. Minimised windows will be ignored:

from autopilot.process import ProcessManager
from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase

class WindowTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_window_stack(self):
        pm = ProcessManager.create()
        test_app_windows = []
        for window in pm.get_open_windows():
            if self.is_test_app(


The process manager is only available on environments that use bamf, i.e. desktop running Unity 7. There is currently no process manager for any other platform.


This assertion allows the test to check properties of an object that does not have a wait_for method (i.e.- objects that do not come from the autopilot DBus interface). For example the Window object:

from autopilot.process import ProcessManager
from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase

class WindowTests(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_window_stack(self):
        pm = ProcessManager.create()
        for window in pm.get_open_windows():
            if self.is_test_app(
                self.assertProperty(window, is_maximized=True)


assertProperties is a synonym for this method.


The process manager is only available on environments that use bamf, i.e. desktop running Unity 7. There is currently no process manager for any other platform.


See autopilot.testcase.AutopilotTestCase.assertProperty.


assertProperty is a synonym for this method.

Platform Selection

Autopilot provides functionality that allows the test author to determine which platform a test is running on so that they may either change behaviour within the test or skipping the test all together.

For examples and API documentaion please see autopilot.platform.

Gestures and Multi-touch

Autopilot provides API support for both single-touch and multi-touch gestures which can be used to simulate user input required to drive an application or system under test. These APIs should be used in conjunction with Platform Selection to detect platform capabilities and ensure the correct input API is being used.


autopilot.input.Touch provides single-touch input gestures, which includes:

  • tap which can be used to tap a specified [x,y] point on the screen
  • drag which will drag between 2 [x,y] points and can be customised by altering the speed of the action
  • press, release and move operations which can be combined to create custom gestures
  • tap_object can be used to tap the center point of a given introspection object, where the screen co-ordinates are taken from one of several properties of the object

Autopilot additionally provides the class autopilot.input.Pointer as a means to provide a single unified API that can be used with both Mouse input and Touch input . See the documentation for this class for further details of this, as not all operations can be performed on both of these input types.

This example demonstrates swiping from the center of the screen to the left edge, which could for example be used in Ubuntu Touch to swipe a new scope into view.

  1. First calculate the center point of the screen (see: Display Information):

    >>> from autopilot.display import Display
    >>> display = Display.create()
    >>> center_x = display.get_screen_width() // 2
    >>> center_y = display.get_screen_height() // 2
  2. Then perform the swipe operation from the center of the screen to the left edge, using autopilot.input.Pointer.drag:

    >>> from autopilot.input import Touch, Pointer
    >>> pointer = Pointer(Touch.create())
    >>> pointer.drag(center_x, center_y, 0, center_y)


autopilot.gestures provides support for multi-touch input which includes:

  • autopilot.gestures.pinch provides a 2-finger pinch gesture centered around an [x,y] point on the screen

This example demonstrates how to use the pinch gesture, which for example could be used on Ubuntu Touch web-browser, or gallery application to zoom in or out of currently displayed content.

  1. To zoom in, pinch vertically outwards from the center point by 100 pixels:

    >>> from autopilot import gestures
    >>> gestures.pinch([center_x, center_y], [0, 0], [0, 100])
  2. To zoom back out, pinch vertically 100 pixels back towards the center point:

    >>> gestures.pinch([center_x, center_y], [0, 100], [0, 0])


The multi-touch pinch method is intended for use on a touch enabled device. However, if run on a desktop environment it will behave as if the mouse select button is pressed whilst moving the mouse pointer. For example to select some text in a document.

Advanced Backend Picking

Several features in autopilot are provided by more than one backend. For example, the autopilot.input module contains the Keyboard, Mouse and Touch classes, each of which can use more than one implementation depending on the platform the tests are being run on.

For example, when running autopilot on a traditional ubuntu desktop platform, Keyboard input events are probably created using the X11 client libraries. On a phone platform, X11 is not present, so autopilot will instead choose to generate events using the kernel UInput device driver instead.

Other autopilot systems that make use of multiple backends include the autopilot.display and autopilot.process modules. Every class in these modules follows the same construction pattern:

Default Creation

By default, calling the create() method with no arguments will return an instance of the class that is appropriate to the current platform. For example::
>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> kbd = Keyboard.create()

The code snippet above will create an instance of the Keyboard class that uses X11 on Desktop systems, and UInput on other systems. On the rare occaison when test authors need to construct these objects themselves, we expect that the default creation pattern to be used.

Picking a Backend

Test authors may sometimes want to pick a specific backend. The possible backends are documented in the API documentation for each class. For example, the documentation for the autopilot.input.Keyboard.create method says there are three backends available: the X11 backend, the UInput backend, and the OSK backend. These backends can be specified in the create method. For example, to specify that you want a Keyboard that uses X11 to generate it’s input events:

>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> kbd = Keyboard.create("X11")

Similarly, to specify that a UInput keyboard should be created:

>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> kbd = Keyboard.create("UInput")

Finally, for the Onscreen Keyboard:

>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> kbd = Keyboard.create("OSK")


Care must be taken when specifying specific backends. There is no guarantee that the backend you ask for is going to be available across all platforms. For that reason, using the default creation method is encouraged.


The OSK backend has some known implementation limitations, please see autopilot.input.Keyboard.create method documenation for further details.

Possible Errors when Creating Backends

Lots of things can go wrong when creating backends with the create method.

If autopilot is unable to create any backends for your current platform, a RuntimeError exception will be raised. It’s message attribute will contain the error message from each backend that autopilot tried to create.

If a preferred backend was specified, but that backend doesn’t exist (probably the test author mis-spelled it), a RuntimeError will be raised:

>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> try:
...     kbd = Keyboard.create("uinput")
... except RuntimeError as e:
...     print("Unable to create keyboard: " + str(e))
Unable to create keyboard: Unknown backend 'uinput'

In this example, uinput was mis-spelled (backend names are case sensitive). Specifying the correct backend name works as expected:

>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> kbd = Keyboard.create("UInput")

Finally, if the test author specifies a preferred backend, but that backend could not be created, a autopilot.BackendException will be raised. This is an important distinction to understand: While calling create() with no arguments will try more than one backend, specifying a backend to create will only try and create that one backend type. The BackendException instance will contain the original exception raised by the backed in it’s original_exception attribute. In this example, we try and create a UInput keyboard, which fails because we don’t have the correct permissions (this is something that autopilot usually handles for you):

>>> from autopilot.input import Keyboard
>>> from autopilot import BackendException
>>> try:
...     kbd = Keyboard.create("UInput")
... except BackendException as e:
...     repr(e.original_exception)
...     repr(e)
'UInputError(\'"/dev/uinput" cannot be opened for writing\',)'
'BackendException(\'Error while initialising backend. Original exception was: "/dev/uinput" cannot be opened for writing\',)'

Keyboard Backends

A quick introduction to the Keyboard backends

Each backend has a different method of operating behind the scenes to provide the Keyboard interface.

Here is a quick overview of how each backend works.

Backend Description
X11 The X11 backend generates X11 events using a mock input device which it then syncs with X to actually action the input.
Uinput The UInput backend injects events directly in to the kernel using the UInput device driver to produce input.
OSK The Onscreen Keyboard backend uses the GUI pop-up keyboard to enter input. Using a pointer object it taps on the required keys to get the expected output.

Limitations of the different Keyboard backends

While every effort has been made so that the Keyboard devices act the same regardless of which backend or platform is in use, the simple fact is that there can be some technical limitations for some backends.

Some of these limitations are hidden when using the “create” method and won’t cause any concern (e.g. X11 backend on desktop, UInput on an Ubuntu Touch device.) while others will raise exceptions (that are fully documented in the API docs).

Here is a list of known limitations:


  • Only available on desktop platforms
    • X11 isn’t available on Ubuntu Touch devices


  • Requires correct device access permissions
    • The user (or group) that are running the autopilot tests need read/write access to the UInput device (usually /dev/uinput).
  • Specific kernel support is required
    • The kernel on the system running the tests must be running a kernel that includes UInput support (as well as have the module loaded.


  • Currently only available on Ubuntu Touch devices
    • At the time of writing this the OSK/Ubuntu Keyboard is only supported/available on the Ubuntu Touch devices. It is possible that it will be available on the desktop in the near future.
  • Unable to type ‘special’ keys e.g. Alt
    • This shouldn’t be an issue as applications running on Ubuntu Touch devices will be using the expected patterns of use on these platforms.
  • The following methods have limitations or are not implemented:
    • Raises NotImplementedError if called.
    • autopilot.input.Keyboard.release: Raises NotImplementedError if called.
    • autopilot.input.Keyboard.press_and_release: can can only handle single keys/characters. Raises either ValueError if passed more than a single character key or UnsupportedKey if passed a key that is not supported by the OSK backend (or the current language layout).

Process Control

The autopilot.process module provides the ProcessManager class to provide a high-level interface for managing applications and windows during testing. Features of the ProcessManager allow the user to start and stop applications easily and to query the current state of an application and its windows. It also provides automatic cleanup for apps that have been launched during testing.


ProcessManager is not intended for introspecting an application’s object tree, for this see Launching Applications. Also it does not provide a method for interacting with an application’s UI or specific features.

Properties of an application and its windows can be accessed using the classes Application and Window, which also allows the window instance to be focused and closed.

A list of known applications is defined in KNOWN_APPS and these can easily be referenced by name. This list can also be updated using register_known_application and unregister_known_application for easier use during the test.

To use the ProcessManager the static create method should be called, which returns an initialised object instance.

A simple example to launch the gedit text editor and check it is in focus:

from autopilot.process import ProcessManager
from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase

class ProcessManagerTestCase(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_launch_app(self):
        pm = ProcessManager.create()
        app_window = pm.start_app_window('Text Editor')


ProcessManager is only available on environments that use bamf, i.e. desktop running Unity 7. There is currently no process manager for any other platform.

Display Information

Autopilot provides the autopilot.display module to get information about the displays currently being used. This information can be used in tests to implement gestures or input events that are specific to the current test environment. For example a test could be run on a desktop environment with multiple screens, or on a variety of touch devices that have different screen sizes.

The user must call the static create method to get an instance of the Display class.

This example shows how to get the size of each available screen, which could be used to calculate coordinates for a swipe or input event (See the autopilot.input module for more details about generating input events).:

from autopilot.display import Display

display = Display.create()
for screen in range(0, display.get_num_screens()):
    width = display.get_screen_width(screen)
    height = display.get_screen_height(screen)
    print('screen {0}: {1}x{2}'.format(screen, width, height))

Writing Custom Proxy Classes

By default, autopilot will generate an object for every introspectable item in your application under test. These are generated on the fly, and derive from ProxyBase. This gives you the usual methods of selecting other nodes in the object tree, as well the the means to inspect all the properties in that class.

However, sometimes you want to customize the class used to create these objects. The most common reason to want to do this is to provide methods that make it easier to inspect or interact with these objects. Autopilot allows test authors to provide their own custom classes, through a couple of simple steps:

  1. First, you must define your own base class, to be used by all custom proxy objects in your test suite. This base class can be empty, but must derive from ProxyBase. An example class might look like this:

    from autopilot.introspection import ProxyBase
    class CustomProxyObjectBase(ProxyBase):
        """A base class for all custom proxy objects within this test suite."""

For Ubuntu applications using Ubuntu UI Toolkit objects, you should derive your custom proxy object from UbuntuUIToolkitCustomProxyObjectBase. This base class is also derived from ProxyBase and is used for all Ubuntu UI Toolkit custom proxy objects. So if you are introspecting objects from Ubuntu UI Toolkit then this is the base class to use.

  1. Define the classes you want autopilot to use, instead of the default. The simplest method is to give the class the same name as the type you wish to override. For example, if you want to define your own custom class to be used every time autopilot generates an instance of a ‘QLabel’ object, the class definition would look like this:

    class QLabel(CustomProxyObjectBase):
        # Add custom methods here...

If you wish to implement more specific selection criteria, your class can override the validate_dbus_object method, which takes as arguments the dbus path and state. For example:

class SpecificQLabel(CustomProxyObjectBase):

    def validate_dbus_object(path, state):
        return (path.endswith('object_we_want') or
                state['some_property'] == 'desired_value')

This method should return True if the object matches this custom proxy class, and False otherwise. If more than one custom proxy class matches an object, a ValueError will be raised at runtime.

An example using Ubuntu UI Toolkit which would be used to swipe up a PageWithBottomEdge object to reveal it’s bottom edge menu could look like this:

import ubuntuuitoolkit

class PageWithBottomEdge(ubuntuuitoolkit.UbuntuUIToolkitCustomProxyObjectBase):
    """An emulator class that makes it easy to interact with the bottom edge
       swipe page"""

    def reveal_bottom_edge_page(self):
        """Swipe up from the bottom edge of the Page
           to reveal it's bottom edge menu."""
  1. Pass the custom proxy base class as an argument to the launch_test_application method on your test class. This base class should be the same base class that is used to write all of your custom proxy objects:

    from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase
    class TestCase(AutopilotTestCase):
        def setUp(self):
   = self.launch_test_application(

For applications using objects from Ubuntu UI Toolkit, the emulator_base parameter should be:

  1. You can pass the custom proxy class to methods like select_single instead of a string. So, for example, the following is a valid way of selecting the QLabel instances in an application:

    # Get all QLabels in the applicaton:
    labels =

If you are introspecting an application that already has a custom proxy base class defined, then this class can simply be imported and passed to the appropriate application launcher method. See launching applications for more details on launching an application for introspection. This will allow you to call all of the public methods of the application’s proxy base class directly in your test.

This example will run on desktop and uses the webbrowser application to navigate to a url using the base class go_to_url() method:

from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase
from webbrowser_app.emulators import browser

class ClickAppTestCase(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_go_to_url(self):
        app = self.launch_test_application(
        # main_window is a property of the Webbrowser class

Launching Applications

Applications can be launched inside of a testcase using the application launcher methods from the AutopilotTestCase class. The exact method required will depend upon the type of application being launched:

  • launch_test_application is used to launch regular executables
  • launch_upstart_application is used to launch upstart-based applications
  • launch_click_package is used to launch applications inside a click package

This example shows how to launch an installed click application from within a test case:

from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase

class ClickAppTestCase(AutopilotTestCase):

    def test_something(self):
        app_proxy = self.launch_click_package('com.ubuntu.calculator')

Outside of testcase classes, the NormalApplicationLauncher, UpstartApplicationLauncher, and ClickApplicationLauncher fixtures can be used, e.g.:

from autopilot.application import NormalApplicationLauncher

with NormalApplicationLauncher() as launcher:

or a similar example for an installed click package:

from autopilot.application import ClickApplicationLauncher

with ClickApplicationLauncher() as launcher:
    app_proxy = launcher.launch('com.ubuntu.calculator')

Within a fixture or a testcase, self.useFixture can be used:

launcher = self.useFixture(NormalApplicationLauncher())
launcher.launch('gedit', ['--new-window', '/path/to/file'])

or for an installed click package:

launcher = self.useFixture(ClickApplicationLauncher())
app_proxy = launcher.launch('com.ubuntu.calculator')

Additional options can also be specified to set a custom addDetail method, a custom proxy base, or a custom dbus bus with which to patch the environment:

launcher = self.useFixture(NormalApplicationLauncher(


You must pass the test case’s ‘addDetail’ method to these application launch fixtures if you want application logs to be attached to the test result. This is due to the way fixtures are cleaned up, and is unavoidable.

The main qml file of some click applications can also be launched directly from source. This can be done using the qmlscene application directly on the target application’s main qml file. This example uses launch_test_application method from within a test case:

app_proxy = self.launch_test_application('qmlscene', 'application.qml', app_type='qt')

However, using this method it will not be possible to return an application specific custom proxy object, see Writing Custom Proxy Classes.