Frequently Asked Questions

Autopilot: The Project

Q. Where can I get help / support?

The developers hang out in the #ubuntu-autopilot IRC channel on

Q. Which version of autopilot should I install?

Ideally you should adopt and utilize the latest version of autopilot. If your testcase requires you to utilize an older version of autopilot for reasons other than Porting Autopilot Tests, please file a bug and let the development team know about your issue.

Q. Should I write my tests in python2 or python3?

As Autopilot fully supports python3 (see Python 3), you should seek to use python3 for new tests. Before making a decision, you should also ensure any 3rd party modules your test may depend on also support python3.

Q: Should I convert my existing tests to python3?

See above. In a word, yes. Converting python2 to python3 (see Python 3) is generally straightforward and converting a testcase is likely much easier than a full python application. You can also consider retaining python2 compatibility upon conversion.

Q. Where can I report a bug?

Autopilot is hosted on launchpad - bugs can be reported on the launchpad bug page for autopilot (this requires a launchpad account).

Q. What type of applications can autopilot test?

Autopilot works with severall different types of applications, including:
  • The Unity desktop shell.
  • Gtk 2 & 3 applications.
  • Qt4, Qt5, and Qml applications.

Autopilot is designed to work across all the form factors Ubuntu runs on, including the phone and tablet.

Autopilot Tests

Q. Autopilot tests often include multiple assertions. Isn’t this bad practise?

Maybe. But probably not.

Unit tests should test a single unit of code, and ideally be written such that they can fail in exactly a single way. Therefore, unit tests should have a single assertion that determines whether the test passes or fails.

However, autopilot tests are not unit tests, they are functional tests. Functional test suites tests features, not units of code, so there’s several very good reasons to have more than assertion in a single test:

  • Some features require several assertions to prove that the feature is working correctly. For example, you may wish to verify that the ‘Save’ dialog box opens correctly, using the following code:

    self.assertThat(save_win.title, Eventually(Equals("Save Document")))
    self.assertThat(save_win.visible, Equals(True))
    self.assertThat(save_win.has_focus, Equals(True))
  • Some tests need to wait for the application to respond to user input before the test continues. The easiest way to do this is to use the Eventually matcher in the middle of your interaction with the application. For example, if testing the Firefox browsers ability to print a certain web comic, we might produce a test that looks similar to this:

    def test_firefox_can_print_xkcd(self):
        """Firefox must be able to print"""
        # Put keyboard focus in URL bar:
        # wait for page to load:
        self.assertThat(, Eventually(Equals(False)))
        # open print dialog:
        # wait for dialog to open:
        self.assertThat(, Eventually(Equals(True)))
        # ensure something was sent to our faked printer:
        self.assertThat(self.fake_printer.documents_printed, Equals(1))

In general, autopilot tests are more relaxed about the ‘one assertion per test’ rule. However, care should still be taken to produce tests that are as small and understandable as possible.

Q. How do I write a test that uses either a Mouse or a Touch device interchangeably?

The autopilot.input.Pointer class is a simple wrapper that unifies some of the differences between the Touch and Mouse classes. To use it, pass in the device you want to use under the hood, like so:

pointer1 = Pointer(Touch.create())
pointer2 = Pointer(Mouse.create())
# pointer1 and pointer2 now have identical APIs

Combined with test scenarios, this can be used to write tests that are run twice - once with a mouse device and once with a touch device:

from autopilot.input import Mouse, Touch, Pointer
from autopilot.testcase import AutopilotTestCase

class TestCase(AutopilotTestCase):

    scenarios = [
        ('with mouse', dict(pointer=Pointer(Mouse.create()))),
        ('with touch', dict(pointer=Pointer(Touch.create()))),

    def test_something(self):
        """Click the pointer at 100,100."""

If you only want to use the mouse on certain platforms, use the autopilot.platform module to determine the current platform at runtime.

Q. How do I use the Onscreen Keyboard (OSK) to input text in my test?

The OSK is an backend option for the autopilot.input.Keyboard.create method (see this Advanced Autopilot section for details regarding backend selection.)

Unlike the other backends (X11, UInput) the OSK has a GUI presence and thus can be displayed on the screen.

The autopilot.input.Keyboard class provides a context manager that handles any cleanup required when dealing with the input backends.

For example in the instance when the backend is the OSK, when leaving the scope of the context manager the OSK will be dismissed with a swipe:

from autopilot.input import Keyboard

text_area = self._launch_test_input_area()
keyboard = Keyboard.create('OSK')
with keyboard.focused_type(text_area) as kb:
    kb.type("Hello World.")
    self.assertThat(text_area.text, Equals("Hello World"))
# At this point now the OSK has been swiped away.

Autopilot Tests and Launching Applications

Q. How do I launch a Click application from within a test so I can introspect it?

Launching a Click application is similar to launching a traditional application and is as easy as using launch_click_package:

app_proxy = self.launch_click_package(

Q. How do I access an already running application so that I can test/introspect it?

In instances where it’s impossible to launch the application-under-test from within the testsuite use get_proxy_object_for_existing_process to get a proxy object for the running application. In all other cases the recommended way to launch and retrieve a proxy object for an application is by calling either launch_test_application or launch_click_package

For example, to access a long running process that is running before your test starts:

application_pid = get_long_running_processes_pid()
app_proxy = get_proxy_object_for_existing_process(pid=application_pid)

Autopilot Qt & Gtk Support

Q. How do I launch my application so that I can explore it with the vis tool?

Autopilot can launch applications with Autopilot support enabled allowing you to explore and introspect the application using the vis tool

For instance launching gedit is as easy as:

$ autopilot3 launch gedit

Autopilot launch attempts to detect if you are launching either a Gtk or Qt application so that it can enable the correct libraries. If is is unable to determine this you will need to specify the type of application it is by using the -i argument.

For example, in our previous example Autopilot was able to automatically determine that gedit is a Gtk application and thus no further arguments were required.

If we want to use the vis tool to introspect something like the script from an earlier tutorial we will need to inform autopilot that it is a Qt application so that it can enable the correct support:

$ autopilot3 launch -i Qt

Now that it has been launched with Autopilot support we can introspect and explore out application using the vis tool.

Q. What is the impact on memory of adding objectNames to QML items?

The objectName is a QString property of QObject which defaults to an empty QString. QString is UTF-16 representation and because it uses some general purpose optimisations it usually allocates twice the space it needs to be able to grow fast. It also uses implicit sharing with copy-on-write and other similar tricks to increase performance again. These properties makes the used memory not straightforward to predict. For example, copying an object with an objectName, shares the memory between both as long as they are not changed.

When measuring memory consumption, things like memory alignment come into play. Due to the fact that QML is interpreted by a JavaScript engine, we are working in levels where lots of abstraction layers are in between the code and the hardware and we have no chance to exactly measure consumption of a single objectName property. Therefore the taken approach is to measure lots of items and calculate the average consumption.

Measurement of memory consumption of 10000 Items
Without objectName With unique objectName With same objectName
65292 kB 66628 kB 66480 kB

=> With 10000 different objectNames 1336 kB of memory are consumed which is around 127 Bytes per Item.

Indeed, this is more than only the string. Some of the memory is certainly lost due to memory alignment where certain areas are just not perfectly filled in but left empty. However, certainly not all of the overhead can be blamed on that. Additional memory is used by the QObject meta object information that is needed to do signal/slot connections. Also, QML does some optimisations: It does not connect signals/slots when not needed. So the fact that the object name is set could trigger some more connections.

Even if more than the actual string size is used and QString uses a large representation, this is very little compared to the rest. A qmlscene with just the item is 27MB. One full screen image in the Nexus 10 tablet can easily consume around 30MB of memory. So objectNames are definitely not the first places where to search for optimisations.

Writing the test code snippets, one interesting thing came up frequently: Just modifying the code around to set the objectName often influences the results more than the actual string. For example, having a javascript function that assigns the objectName definitely uses much more memory than the objectName itself. Unless it makes sense from a performance point of view (frequently changing bindings can be slow), objectNames should be added by directly binding the value to the property instead using helper code to assign it.

Conclusion: If an objectName is needed for testing, this is definitely worth it. objectName’s should obviously not be added when not needed. When adding them, the general QML guidelines for performance should be followed.